張衛健、許志安Music DNA巡迴演唱會雷諾站
February 15, 2024 8:00PM Reno Event Center
- 如果您想要預定演唱會當天的酒店,請在點選演唱會座位後選擇相關服務。
- 本網站可以預訂演唱會當天的Silver Legacy酒店($80一晚), 已包含稅費,只對網上購票者服務,房間不多,慾訂從速。如沒有特別註明,我們會向酒店要求雙床,但由於是假期,請在入住時向前台要求和確認,入住時請出示購票者的ID。由於是團體訂房,酒店的預訂號碼會在演唱會前4天左右確定,如您需要,請發email到 support@sellingticket.us,我們會在得到後發給您。
- 如有票務查詢,請text to 775-683-7775 or send email to support@sellingticket.us
- If your mailing address is different with your credit card address, please put your shipping address in the note of the credit card form.
- If you purchase the tickets on or after February 1, please use your ID to pick up the tickets at the Will Call table near the venue entrance one hour before the concert.
By clicking the "FIND TICKETS" button, indicate that you have read and agreed to the TERMS OF USE.